Beast Kingdom - Life Size Stitch 1점 전시
The release of the 2002 Disney animated classic Lilo & Stitch, introduced viewers to the zany, yet infinitely adorable Alien Experiment No. 626, also known as Stitch! The naughty little Alien is befriended in the movie by the Hula spinning Hawaiian girl, Lilo. Bringing a sense of family bonding and friendship, Lilo And Stitch is a touching story that captured the hearts of fans the world over!
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Beast Kingdom - Life Size Stitch 1점 전시
The release of the 2002 Disney animated classic Lilo & Stitch, introduced viewers to the zany, yet infinitely adorable Alien Experiment No. 626, also known as Stitch! The naughty little Alien is befriended in the movie by the Hula spinning Hawaiian girl, Lilo. Bringing a sense of family bonding and friendship, Lilo And Stitch is a touching story that captured the hearts of fans the world over!
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